Data Intelligence, Search & Analysis (DISA) is a node-based platform that helps to understand the world.

It allows people to explore many new ideas simultaneously and covers the whole analytical pipeline, from information sourcing to visualisations and export.

DISA enables analysts to make decisions supported by evidence, automate everyday operations and collaborate on complex problems.

Discern the details

In DISA users can quickly iterate on various ideas, create reusable node-graphs and integrate complex visualisation techniques under the common platform.

The application works with any type of data, from multiple sources and within the same project. This includes structured and unstructured data as well as physical sensors of different kind.

DISA screenshot

DISA acts as a collaboration hub for multidisciplinary teams. By virtue of its open architecture, engineers can use the documented Python API to create new or update existing tools in real time, all while other users work uninterrupted.

See over the horizon

DISA can be deployed on the edge with all transforms executed at the end-point.

This creates opportunities which are not available otherwise and brings various benefits such as agile resourcing, lower TCO and elimination of the single point of failure.

Flexible provisioning allows our clients to balance security requirements with the end-user experience and convenience of centralised control.

Want to see it in action?